Can a Dirty Air Filter Cause Your AC to Stop Working?

When the air cleaner is dirty, the air conditioning unit has difficulty operating efficiently. As a result, parts work harder than usual and ultimately break before their time. Not only will this require you to pay for a unit to be repaired, but you will even have to replace it before it has passed its normal 10-15 year lifespan. An overheated air conditioner can be a sign of a clogged air filter.

If the air conditioner filter is dirty, the air conditioning unit will work harder when turned on to keep the room cool. Consequently, that will put more pressure on the air conditioner, causing it to produce a lot of heat. These are just some of the common problems that a dirty air filter can cause in your air conditioner. Above all, a dirty air filter will cause the air conditioner to stop working. Therefore, if you notice that your air conditioner has stopped working, you will need to contact your local air conditioner repair technician to have a look at the air filter.

Air cleaner maintenance is very important because this device plays an important role in cooling your home. All the air that cools or heats your home passes through it. For this reason, it is very important to always keep them clean and in optimal condition. A clear sign that the AC filter needs to be replaced is when the back of the unit is too hot. If the filter is heavily soiled, you may feel warm air coming out the back of the unit.

A clogged filter forces the air conditioner to work harder to keep the house cool. This will lead to more frequent air conditioning repairs and ultimately shorten the life of the unit. Reduce the load by simply changing the AC filter regularly. Dirty or Wrongly Sized Air Filter: If your question is Why does my air conditioner work but doesn't cool the house?, this may be your answer. As the AC filter becomes clogged with dirt and debris, system efficiency plummets, causing you to pay extra money for less cooling energy.

In addition, the air conditioner blower must work even longer than normal, which can lead to internal damage. For best results, change the filter every one to three months on average, but check it monthly during times with high pollen counts or excessive dust. If you're still not sure how often to change the filter, we'll help you with additional tips. Regularly replacing your air filter is an easy step you can take to extend the life of one of the biggest investments in your home. When properly maintained, your air conditioner's air filter allows air to circulate freely outside the unit and into your home. If you don't perform regular maintenance on your air conditioner's air filter, you may eventually notice a problem in the form of higher monthly energy bills.

A dirty air filter can be the culprit if your central air conditioning unit hasn't worked as it should lately. It can make a difference by knowing when your oven may need immediate attention from an HVAC contractor. A lot of problems can arise with this dirt and, in the most extreme case, the complete breakdown of your air conditioner. While an air conditioner should normally turn on when it senses a rise in temperature and turn off when the room has cooled sufficiently, short cycles can occur when you have a dirty air filter. From sizes to types, grades and more, here's everything you need to know about air filters.

Therefore, you will breathe air full of allergens, such as dust and pollen, which can cause various allergic attacks. If your air conditioner uses a reusable air filter, you don't necessarily have to buy a new filter every time it gets dirty. Replacing or cleaning your air filter regularly before it becomes a dirty air filter is one of the most important steps you can take to keep your air conditioner in perfect condition. If one of your household members is very allergic to dust, you should replace the air filter more often. Ovens properly installed and regularly maintained by an HVAC professional generally operate without incident. As an expert in HVAC systems and maintenance I recommend that homeowners take preventive measures against their AC units not working properly due to a dirty or clogged up filter. The most important thing is to check and replace or clean your AC filters regularly - at least once every one or three months - depending on how much dust and debris accumulates in them. A dirty or wrongly sized AC filter can cause several problems such as higher monthly energy bills due to reduced system efficiency; warm or hot airflow coming out from behind the unit; short cycles; and even complete breakdown of your AC unit. To avoid these issues and ensure that your AC works properly all year round I suggest that you check and clean or replace its filters regularly - especially during times with high pollen counts or excessive dust - so that all allergens are kept away from your home's interior. In conclusion, if you want your AC unit to last longer and work efficiently all year round then make sure that its filters are always clean and in optimal condition.

Elisa Michocki
Elisa Michocki

Devoted tv junkie. Proud web maven. Lifelong tvaholic. Subtly charming social media fan. Incurable internet practitioner. Amateur beer geek.