How a Dirty Air Filter Can Impact Your Car's Performance

A dirty air filter can have a significant impact on your car's performance. It reduces the amount of clean air that reaches the engine, which decreases its power and acceleration. Replacing the dirty engine air filter with a new, clean one can improve engine acceleration and fuel efficiency. A decrease in fuel consumption is often a sign that something is wrong, and a dirty air filter can reduce oxygen flow, causing the engine to burn more fuel to compensate.

Here are some tips to help you understand air filters and how they can affect the performance of your car. When driving, there are some symptoms you can look out for to detect if your car needs an air filter change. If you keep up with regular maintenance, it's not difficult to keep up with proper air filter changes. Paper filters are usually very efficient at trapping dirt, but they have two major challenges. First, they need to be replaced frequently.

Second, once the filter pores are clogged, air no longer flows as freely into the engine, resulting in less power and acceleration. If the engine air cleaner is clogged, you may hear bursting, sputtering, or coughing noises, and your vehicle may vibrate excessively. Many mechanics or dealers will allow you to purchase the filter on your own and take it with you for installation. As dirt and debris from the outside accumulate on the surface of the filter, its color will begin to progressively darken. While a paper filter must be replaced frequently, a K&N filter can be cleaned and reused over and over again, and works practically like new for the entire life of your vehicle. An air filter prevents dirt, debris, pollutants and road bugs from reaching the engine and ensures an adequate supply of air to the engine's combustion chamber.

It is important to keep up with regular maintenance and replace your air filter when necessary in order to ensure optimal performance of your car.

Elisa Michocki
Elisa Michocki

Devoted tv junkie. Proud web maven. Lifelong tvaholic. Subtly charming social media fan. Incurable internet practitioner. Amateur beer geek.