How the Wrong Air Filter Can Affect Your AC

When it comes to air conditioning, the right filter is essential for efficient operation and healthy indoor air. However, an incorrect air filter can reduce HVAC efficiency and increase heating and cooling costs. If the filter is too dense, the heater or air conditioner may need to run longer to counteract increased air resistance. Air conditioning filters are not one-size-fits-all.

Particles can pass through a filter that is too small or doesn't fit properly. If the filters are too tight and prevent airflow, the air conditioner will be prone to damage. An incorrect air filter can cause mechanical problems with the unit, as well as affect the health of the people in your home. As a result of the buildup, a dirty filter will also cause poor cold air flow in the air conditioning system. That cold air will be trapped inside the air conditioner, causing ice to form on your coils. Once that happens, the air conditioner will freeze and stop working.

However, before your system completely freezes, there will be some telltale signs you need to watch out for. One of them is uneven cooling throughout the house. If you notice that some rooms are harder to cool than others, while others are constantly feeling cold, you'll want to check your air conditioning filter first. The most common problem you'll face with a rear-facing filter is simple inefficiency. If the oven is forced to blow air through the non-porous end of a filter, more energy will be needed to do so.

The blower will overwork and pay more money for your heating. The same goes doubly with an air conditioner that has several filters in place to keep outside contaminants out of the indoor air. The biggest damage that can result from a filter installed upside down is that it can damage your HVAC system and reduce its lifespan. An AC filter installed upside down will greatly slow down airflow, your oven will have more difficulty operating. When efficiency decreases, the likelihood of a system failure, such as a refrigerant line leak or a failed compressor, increases.

This makes sense because you want the air to filter out before it reaches the actual oven equipment and powder it. Basically, the section of the filter that faces the air first is more porous (larger holes), which allows you to filter out larger particles first and then gradually filter out smaller dust particles. Each air conditioner unit comes with an air filter recommended by its manufacturer, either the HEPA type or the traditional fiberglass type. A higher MERV rating indicates that the filter has a finer mesh and is capable of removing smaller particles from the air. The right filter can significantly reduce the circulation of contaminants that can affect people with allergies or respiratory problems. Not to mention that when a dirty filter constantly forces your air conditioning system to work overtime, it causes significant wear and tear on your unit.

Fiberglass filters keep your unit working properly when changed regularly and are relatively inexpensive, but may not work well if you have people with breathing difficulties. Installing an oven or AC filter upside down is a breeze to do if you don't understand the return versus supply side HVAC loop. If it doesn't cool your house as well as you'd like, the best first step is also the easiest: check your filter. That's why you need to be aware of why the right filter size matters and how HVAC companies in Lawrenceville can be of help. Regularly replacing your air filter is an essential task if you want to keep your HVAC system running efficiently.

And finally, the air passes through a high-efficiency HEPA filter to trap even the smallest particles with an efficiency of 99.97%. Also, if you look at where the filter is located, it comes from a side of the duct where there is no HVAC component. More importantly, it's essential for healthy indoor air by filtering out dust, dirt, mold, and other particles that make the air less clean for you and those living in your home. When air starts to flow around the filter, it can make the system dirty by putting a layer of dust on the evaporator coil. In conclusion, having an incorrect air filter can cause mechanical problems with your unit as well as affect people's health in your home. It can also lead to inefficient operation and increased heating and cooling costs due to increased resistance from too dense filters or poor cold airflow due to dirty filters.

Installing an AC filter upside down can also damage your HVAC system and reduce its lifespan by slowing down airflow and increasing energy consumption. Therefore, it's important to choose an appropriate size and type of filter for your AC unit and replace it regularly for efficient operation and healthy indoor air.

Elisa Michocki
Elisa Michocki

Devoted tv junkie. Proud web maven. Lifelong tvaholic. Subtly charming social media fan. Incurable internet practitioner. Amateur beer geek.