Elisa Michocki

Elisa Michocki

Devoted tv junkie. Proud web maven. Lifelong tvaholic. Subtly charming social media fan. Incurable internet practitioner. Amateur beer geek.

50 Articles Written
What are the Symptoms of a Dirty Car Air Filter?

What are the Symptoms of a Dirty Car Air Filter?

When it comes to car maintenance, one of the most important components to keep in mind is the air filter. Most automotive ...

How Often Should You Change Your Air Filter?

How Often Should You Change Your Air Filter?

The longest time you should go without changing your air filter is the recommended 90 days. However, if replacing the air ...

Can Changing Your Air Filter Keep You Healthy?

Can Changing Your Air Filter Keep You Healthy?

If the air cleaner is clogged and can't keep contaminants out of the air as they should, those elements can return to the ...

Does a Dirty Air Filter Affect Allergies?

Does a Dirty Air Filter Affect Allergies?

Studies have shown that indoor air pollution caused by a dirty air filter can trigger allergic reactions and sinus...

What Happens When Your Air Conditioner Filter is Dirty?

What Happens When Your Air Conditioner Filter is Dirty?

A dirty air filter can cause a lot of problems for your air conditioner. It restricts the flow of cold air, causing it to ...

What Happens When You Run Air Conditioner Without a Filter?

What Happens When You Run Air Conditioner Without a Filter?

Without a filter, the condensate drain will not be able to drain moisture from the air conditioning unit. This will...

Understanding 16x25x1 Air Filter Sizes

Understanding 16x25x1 Air Filter Sizes

16x25x1 Air FiltersAir filters play a crucial role in maintaining indoor air quality by capturing and removing airborne...

Can an Old Air Filter Make You Sick?

Can an Old Air Filter Make You Sick?

If the filter is dirty, everything that passes through the filter is also dirty, including the air you breathe. This...

Will a New Air Filter Improve Your Vehicle's Performance?

Will a New Air Filter Improve Your Vehicle's Performance?

The most obvious benefit of changing your air filter is the increased fuel efficiency you'll see after you switch it out. ...

How Often Should You Clean Your AC Filter for Optimal Performance?

How Often Should You Clean Your AC Filter for Optimal Performance?

A good rule of thumb is to check your filter every month. But how often do you need to clean your air conditioner? It...

Does a Dirty Air Filter Affect Air Flow?

Does a Dirty Air Filter Affect Air Flow?

A dirty air filter can have a significant impact on the performance of your HVAC system. It restricts airflow to the air...

How Often Should You Service Your Air Conditioner Unit?

How Often Should You Service Your Air Conditioner Unit?

At a minimum, you should try to get your air conditioner serviced every year in early to mid-spring. But for optimal...

Does Quality of Engine Air Filter Really Matter?

Does Quality of Engine Air Filter Really Matter?

The quality of the engine air filter is an important factor in ensuring the efficiency and longevity of your engine. The...

What Happens When You Don't Clean Your Air Intake?

What Happens When You Don't Clean Your Air Intake?

When contaminants accumulate in your system, they can be forced through the vents and into the air in each room. This can ...

Do Air Filters Help with Indoor Allergies?

Do Air Filters Help with Indoor Allergies?

Air purifiers are an effective way to eliminate the source of allergies, trapping dust, pollen and other contaminants...

How Often Should You Change Your Air Filter?

How Often Should You Change Your Air Filter?

Air filters are essential for keeping your home and car clean and free of dust and other particles. But how often should...

How the Wrong Air Filter Can Affect Your AC

How the Wrong Air Filter Can Affect Your AC

When it comes to air conditioning, the right filter is essential for efficient operation and healthy indoor air. However, ...

How Dirty Air Filters Can Affect Your Air Conditioner

How Dirty Air Filters Can Affect Your Air Conditioner

A dirty air filter can have a huge impact on your air conditioning system. It restricts the flow of cold air, causing it...

Can a HEPA Filter Make Allergies Worse?

Can a HEPA Filter Make Allergies Worse?

Using a HEPA filter in your home can remove most airborne particles that could worsen allergies. In some cases, however,...

Do K&N Air Filters Really Improve Performance?

Do K&N Air Filters Really Improve Performance?

Do K&N air filters really improve performance? This is a question that many car owners ask themselves when...

Can a Dirty Filter Ruin Your AC?

Can a Dirty Filter Ruin Your AC?

A dirty air filter can have a significant impact on your air conditioning system. It restricts the flow of cold air,...

How a Dirty Air Filter Can Impact Your Car's Performance

How a Dirty Air Filter Can Impact Your Car's Performance

A dirty air filter can have a significant impact on your car's performance. It reduces the amount of clean air that...

Can Air Filters Help Reduce Allergies?

Can Air Filters Help Reduce Allergies?

Do you suffer from allergies and have done all you can to reduce allergens in your home? An air filter might be the...

Can a Dirty Air Filter in Your Home Make You Sick?

Can a Dirty Air Filter in Your Home Make You Sick?

If you or a family member has been sneezing, coughing, and generally feeling unwell, it could be due to a dirty air...

Can a Dirty Air Filter Cause AC to Not Cool?

Can a Dirty Air Filter Cause AC to Not Cool?

An overheated air conditioner can be a sign that the AC filter is clogged. When the air filter is dirty, the air...

What Happens if You Don't Clean Your Air Filter?

What Happens if You Don't Clean Your Air Filter?

A dirty air filter can cause a range of problems, from decreased efficiency to ice buildup. Allergens can build up in the ...

Why You Should Change Your Air Conditioner Filter Regularly

Why You Should Change Your Air Conditioner Filter Regularly

As you can imagine, your air filter collects all types of dust, spores, hair, dander and other particles that are pumped...

Can an Old Air Filter Cause Allergies?

Can an Old Air Filter Cause Allergies?

The American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (ACAAI) has found that a dirty air filter can be the cause of...

What Are the Consequences of Not Cleaning Your Air Conditioner Filter?

What Are the Consequences of Not Cleaning Your Air Conditioner Filter?

When it comes to keeping your air conditioner in top shape, one of the most important steps is to clean or replace the...

Does a Dirty Filter Really Filter Better?

Does a Dirty Filter Really Filter Better?

Particulate capture efficiency increases as the filter becomes dirtier; the buildup of debris in the fibers reduces the...

What Happens When Your Car Air Filter Gets Dirty?

What Happens When Your Car Air Filter Gets Dirty?

A dirty air filter can have a significant impact on your car's performance. It decreases the amount of air supplied to...

Why is it Necessary to Replace the Air Filter Regularly?

Why is it Necessary to Replace the Air Filter Regularly?

As the filter increasingly traps natural particulate pollution from your home - dust, mold and fungal spores, pet dander, ...

Everything You Need to Know About Air Conditioner Filters

Everything You Need to Know About Air Conditioner Filters

When it comes to air conditioners, it's important to know when and how to change the filter. According to ENERGY STAR,...

What Materials are Used to Make HEPA Filters?

What Materials are Used to Make HEPA Filters?

HEPA filters are high-efficiency filters that typically capture more than 99.5% of all particulate contamination. They...

Does a Dirty Air Filter Impact Your Car's Performance?

Does a Dirty Air Filter Impact Your Car's Performance?

A dirty air filter can have a significant impact on your car's performance. It reduces the amount of clean air that...

What are the Consequences of Not Changing Your Car Air Filter?

What are the Consequences of Not Changing Your Car Air Filter?

Neglecting to change your car air filter can have serious consequences. Most likely, the engine check light will come on, ...

How to Clean Your Air Conditioner Coils and Improve Efficiency

How to Clean Your Air Conditioner Coils and Improve Efficiency

When the coils of your air conditioner are dirty, the system has to work harder and run longer to keep the space cool....

Can a Dirty Air Filter Cause Your AC to Stop Working?

Can a Dirty Air Filter Cause Your AC to Stop Working?

When the air cleaner is dirty, the air conditioning unit has difficulty operating efficiently. As a result, parts work...

Can you get sick from not changing air filter?

Can you get sick from not changing air filter?

As a result, immediate problems could include itchy eyes or throat, headaches, and more. If you continue with the same...

Can Air Filters Help with Allergies?

Can Air Filters Help with Allergies?

As the fall season approaches, many of us are spending more time indoors and are exposed to indoor allergens such as...

Can You Get Sick from Dirty Air Filters?

Can You Get Sick from Dirty Air Filters?

If the filter is dirty, everything that passes through it is also contaminated, including the air you breathe. This can...