How to Clean Your Air Conditioner Coils and Improve Efficiency

When the coils of your air conditioner are dirty, the system has to work harder and run longer to keep the space cool. This leads to an increase in electricity consumption and a drop in your bill. While there are a number of commercially available coil cleaning solutions on the market, air conditioning coils can be cleaned with a mild household detergent solution and water. The detergent and water mixture is applied to the coil using a low pressure sprayer.

The coil is allowed to drain naturally or is rinsed lightly with a garden hose. This process can be repeated as needed. It is important to make sure that a low-pressure sprayer is used and not a pressure washer, as high-power spraying will most likely damage the thin metal fins of the coil. Damaged or bent fins can restrict airflow and reduce heat transfer capabilities.

Additionally, an acid cleaner should not be used as it can cause corrosion that will shorten the life of the coil. Evaporator coils should be checked and cleaned as needed. If coils are prone to easily accumulating dirt and debris, monthly cleaning may be required. Otherwise, you may need to clean them every three months during the cooling season or annually during regularly scheduled preventive maintenance.

Considering lower energy bills and an overall more efficient system, professional AC coil cleaning virtually pays for itself. When cleaning an outdoor coil with compressed air, an HVAC distributor will blow air through the coils in the opposite direction to the direction in which air flows through the coil during normal use. One of the components most susceptible to dirt buildup that will require thorough cleaning is the air conditioner evaporator coil. If you are in a big city with heavy air pollution, you may want to have your coils cleaned twice a year.

Regular air conditioner maintenance is crucial to keeping your unit, including the AC coils, clean and running smoothly. Here are some useful steps for cleaning AC evaporator coils, depending on the type and extent of cleaning performed: The air handler blows air through the evaporator's cold coil and, as the cool air passes past the coil, is directed to the duct system. To clean the indoor evaporator coil, the contractor will most likely clean larger debris by hand or with a special brush, and then apply an oil product from the evaporator with automatic rinsing. In addition, they have the skills and knowledge to clean the units and their components and perform other maintenance services to ensure that the air conditioner works properly.

Cleaning your air conditioner coils is essential for improving efficiency and reducing energy consumption. It is important to use a low-pressure sprayer when cleaning your AC coils and avoid using acid cleaners as they can cause corrosion that will shorten its life span. Regular maintenance is key for keeping your unit clean and running smoothly. Professional AC coil cleaning can pay for itself in lower energy bills and an overall more efficient system.

Elisa Michocki
Elisa Michocki

Devoted tv junkie. Proud web maven. Lifelong tvaholic. Subtly charming social media fan. Incurable internet practitioner. Amateur beer geek.