Will a New Air Filter Improve Your Vehicle's Performance?

The most obvious benefit of changing your air filter is the increased fuel efficiency you'll see after you switch it out. Since it improves airflow to the engine, your car doesn't have to work as hard, so it burns less gasoline. This can help improve the overall performance of your vehicle, including acceleration. Replacing a clogged air filter can make a difference in fuel efficiency and acceleration, depending on the make and model of your car. It makes sense to replace your air filters regularly.

High-performance air filters draw air from outside the engine compartment, where the air is colder. This helps improve fuel economy. Additionally, a particle as small as a grain of salt can pass through a damaged air filter and cause a lot of damage to internal engine parts, such as cylinders and pistons, which can be very costly to repair. When shopping for an air filter, there is a wide range of options available on the market. It's important that you get the right one for the make and model of your car.

If you drive with a lot of traffic on a regular basis, the air filter won't last that long. You're going to have a lot of stop-and-start driving, which places more demands on your car and will also make your air filter dirty faster. Air filter replacement can be part of a general tuning service that will help you get better mileage and performance out of your vehicle. A good indication that the air filter needs to be replaced is the presence of black smoke coming from the exhaust pipes when you start the engine. The cooler air outside the engine compartment is denser than the warm air inside the engine compartment, which is heated by the internal combustion of the engine and other movement mechanisms that generate heat through friction. A high-performance air filter is more technically known as a high-flow air filter.

This type of filter not only slightly increases horsepower, but it also improves fuel economy. If you know where your air filter is located (you can refer to your owner's manual for where to look), you can do a visual inspection. Aftermarket air filters have been known to improve performance in sprints from 20 to 60 mph and 45 to 60 mph. When it comes to improving performance, changing out your air filter is an easy and cost-effective way to do so. Not only will it increase fuel efficiency, but it will also help protect internal engine parts from damage caused by particles passing through a damaged air filter.

It's important to get an air filter that is compatible with your make and model of car, as well as one that fits your driving habits.

Elisa Michocki
Elisa Michocki

Devoted tv junkie. Proud web maven. Lifelong tvaholic. Subtly charming social media fan. Incurable internet practitioner. Amateur beer geek.